

Intellectual Property Based Tokens

By tokenizing intellectual property (IP) as IP-NFTs we create digital assets that you can earn and fund high-impact scientific projects.

IP-Tokens Collections

The funds raised through the sale of these Tokens are entirely used to finance scientific research.


The tokenomics of these collections have been designed with an equitable and sustainable approach to ensure the success of our mission to drive research and reward holders.


Each NFT holder has the power to vote and monitor the development of research and project progress on the FungiDAO.Powered by Service Nervous System (ICP)


Get privileged access to cutting-edge scientific content and exclusive services on the Mushroom Protocol platform.


The NFT accredits part of the ownership of the intellectual and commercialization rights of the technologies developed with the funds.​


The NFT becomes a valuable asset that can be used in various DeFi services within the Mushroom Protocol platform.​

Invest in Biotechnology

Do you want to invest in biotechnology and be part of a decentralized community worldwide that supports early-stage research and startups in the biotechnological field?

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